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Hydro 6 Tinos

HYDRO6 is an innovative combination of water management cycles coupling agricultural and touristic activities.

It is implemented within Tinos Ecolodge and aims to demonstrate how a small touristic unit can be self-sufficient and sustainable in using their resources efficiently.

Within HYDROUSA, new rainwater harvesting loops have been developed. Water is also harvested through innovative vapor condensation units. Finally, small constructed wetlands are coupled with disinfection to produce reclaimed water.

The reclaimed and harvested water is used for the cultivation of 0.15 ha of fruits, vegetables, herbs using precision irrigation techniques. The facility is remotely located off the grid and thus all activities are powered from renewable energy.

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Level of operation

Private Business

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Types of water treatment

Rainwater, grey water, Vapour water

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By products

Reclaimed water for irrigation, fruits, vegetables, herbs (high value crops), compost, essential oils

Read more about HYDRO6

The eco-tourist facility implements rainwater and vapour water recovery systems as well as wastewater reclamation systems. A closed cistern was developed to collect rainwater from the roof of an existing stable, which has been transformed into a small lodge. The expected rainwater to be harvested is about 180 m3/year.

A 60 m2 greenhouse was built to increase productivity for a variety of crops.

Also, solar-driven vapour condensation units, which work with absorption and condensation chambers are installed to recover drinking water from water vapour.

Grey Wastewater from the Ecolodge is treated by reed beds and UV disinfection to produce reclaimed water.

Compost is produced using sludge from the composting toilet system and greens from the gardens in order to produce a valuable fertilizer for the cultivation of plants and crops. The Ecolodge is completely energy autonomous, and all activities are powered by PV panels.

Construction Phase

The construction phase of HYDRO6 began almost as soon as the project was launched.

The design and preparatory works for the construction of the cistern, rooftop and greenhouse, as well as the reed bed system were carried out in the first 12 months.

In addition, the prototype of a meteorological station for data collection was installed at HYDRO6 within the first months, measuring parameters such as humidity, rain, air temperature, solar radiation and wind speed that were constantly monitored and the data were available in a dedicated platform.

During the time that the constructions of the cisternreed bed system and rooftops for water collection were completed, the tiny Lodge was also ready to receive visitors.

All the installations took into account the aesthetics of the landscape in order to harmonize with the traditional buildings of the island of Tinos, while materials from the surrounding area were used for their construction.

Atmospheric water condensation units were then installed and tested. One of them is a ‘water flower’ that collects vapors through passive and active operation, while a commercial system was also installed.

Operational Phase

The HYDRO6 demo site has been fully operational since July 2020.

The amount of rainwater collected annually in the cisterns is about 180 m3, while the amount of vapor condensed and collected per year is estimated at 4.4 m3. In addition, about 50 m3 of wastewater is treated annually at Tinos Ecolodge and reused.

The systems are monitored online by industrial and low-cost sensors that were installed in the cisterns and treated water tank, for quantity measurements (ultrasonic level sensors, flow meters) and quality measurements (pH, conductivity, turbidity, temperature). In addition, soil moisture sensors were installed in the cultivated areas and two meteorological stations.

The sampling campaign at HYDRO6 was started in October 2020 to monitor the wastewater treatment process and the quality of the irrigation water.


  • Ecotourist facilities which are self-sufficient in terms of water, energy and food production


  • 20> m³ /year condensed vapour water
  • 20 – 30m³ /year of reclaimed water
  • 0.15ha of irrigated crops


> 150 m3 harvested rainwater > 50 m3 reclaimed water